Revival Health



Version of NGE supported:
NGE 5.9.0, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.9.4, 6.2021.1

Related Solutions

What Is revBot?

revBot by Revival Health is a fully supported automation service that saves time and money and helps practices overcome administrative staffing shortages.

How Does revBot Work?

You can automate repetitive office tasks, integrate data across all platforms, and free up valuable time and resources to provide the best care for your patients.

Common examples of tasks include vision insurance claim filing, payment posting, eligibility and authorization, and helping two or more different systems communicate so your staff doesn't have to deal with redundant data in multiple places.

We have worked with many types of systems including EMRs/EHRs, practice management, patient engagement, inventory, accounting, collection, testing equipment, and payers and clearinghouses.

The Bottom Line

We train our revBot service to automate time-consuming, tedious tasks you would rather your staff not do, saving at least 40 hours per month and allowing them to focus on more meaningful tasks. Positive ROI guaranteed.

Learn if revBot is right for your practice with a 15-minute discovery call.