


Version of NGE supported:
NGE 5.9.0, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.9.4, and 6.2021.1

Related Solutions

You’re losing hours of staff time to hand-charting test results.

You need to make processes (and your budget) more efficient.

Relaymed seamlessly connects your POC testing devices to your NextGen EHR and automatically matches results to orders.

If you’re experiencing:
 - Chasing down test results.
 - Printing reports.
 - Hand-charting results into your EHR.
 - Fixing mistakes.
 - Troubleshooting errors.

Relaymed will provide accurate, immediate data entry to eliminate dangerous errors, create time savings for your staff, and cost savings for your practice.

Connecting all your point of care devices
Relaymed connects to over 75 leading devices to automatically deliver test results to your NextGen Healthcare EHR, including urinalysis, infectious disease (COVID, flu, strep, etc), diabetes, hematology, STIs, and more.

Straightforward pricing. Simple setup and training.
We expect Relaymed to immediately make a positive impact on your organization, without surprising you with hidden costs, unused features or costly upgrades.

Trusted by providers across family medicine, FQHCs, OBGYNs, pediatrics, urgent care, urology, and more.