

Version of NGE supported:
NGE 5.9.0, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.9.4, 6.2021.1

Related Solutions

DHRpro is a patient visualization dashboard that sits on top of existing EHR/PM systems to deliver clarity like never before. We integrate disparate data sources to present full clinical and financial histories on a single, actionable display, improving efficiency, patient care, and revenue.  Our patient dashboard synthesizes a lifetime of care to deliver the most accurate, inclusive, and holistic patient information available for practitioners.

We streamline medical practices by enhancing their data so succinctly and intuitively that Doctors provide better care faster and more efficiently. DHRpro helps Doctors take control of their data and enjoy practicing medicine again.

DHRpro gathers patient data from your existing medical software to synthesize a lifetime of care.  Doctors, practice administrators, and billers, you’ll get a bird’s eye view of everything you want to see and only what you want to see.  We transform information from disparate data sources and present it in simple, fully customizable views on a single dashboard with nothing more than one click away.

DHRpro offers a single solution for multiple challenges.  Even better, we won’t upsell you with endless add-on possibilities.

Our layered solution includes a patient dashboard for doctors and clinical teams that’s unparalleled across the industry and delivers clarity like never before.  First, practice administrators delve into previously untapped patient populations with DHRpro’s clinical reporting.  Next, billing managers and their teams find their most urgent financial matters within timely filing limits.  Finally, everyone can view any day’s entire patient schedule in a summary view that captures more information for quick assimilation than ever imagined possible.

We synergize all forms of patient information to make your health records dynamic.

Created by Doctors for Doctors, DHRpro bridges the gap between systems and delivers a unified space for all patient data.  We provide clarity in a longitudinal style, so patterns emerge and gaps are closed.  As a result, doctors work more efficiently and become more productive while providing better care with our technology.  In addition, our unique display is so intuitive that it alerts of discrepancies between lateralities, what was performed and billed, and when medically-necessary care isn’t being scheduled.  All of this works together to help medical practices identify at-risk patients, achieve better compliance, and enhance their bottom line.

Get clarity like never before and enjoy practicing medicine again!