A woman looking at her device

Mirth Connect Complimentary License for Research

We realize the vital role that research plays in enhancing our lives and communities. Over the years, Mirth Connect has been a key partner in many of these endeavors, and we are committed to continuing this support. To further this commitment, we are pleased to offer a one-year complimentary license for access to Mirth Connect for approved research projects.


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For a complimentary "Mirth Connect for Research" license, you must meet the following criteria:

Researcher Affiliation and Type

The request must originate from a recognized and accredited non-profit research institution. Examples include: 

  • Universities and Academic Institutions, Public and non-profit private universities. 
  • Non-profit Research Institutes: Independent, non-profit organizations whose primary mission is research. 


The request may not originate from or be directly affiliated with: 

  • Commercial Entities: For-profit companies, pharmaceutical companies, for-profit research labs (unless under very specific, pre-approved collaborative agreements with a qualifying research institution). 
  • Individuals unaffiliated with a qualifying institution. 
Research Project Focus and Nature

The research project must be demonstrably focused on advancing scientific knowledge and producing publicly beneficial outcomes in health or healthcare. 


Examples include:

  • Basic Science Research: Fundamental research in areas relevant to health and disease. 
  • Clinical Research: Studies aimed at improving clinical practice, treatments, or patient outcomes. 
  • Public Health Research: Research focused on population health, disease prevention, and health policy. 
  • Health Informatics Research: Research on improving healthcare data management, interoperability, and analysis methods. 


Example exclusions include: 

  • Commercial Product Development: Research aimed at developing or directly supporting the development of commercial software, medical devices, or pharmaceutical products for profit. 
  • Operational or Quality Improvement Projects within Healthcare Delivery Organizations (unless they have a clear and significant research component with generalizable findings). 
  • Internal business analytics or market research. 
Public Dissemination of Research Findings
  • Researchers must commit to making the findings of their research publicly available through appropriate channels, such as: 
  • Peer-reviewed publications in academic journals. 
  • Presentations at scientific conferences. 
  • Publicly accessible reports or datasets (where ethically and legally permissible). 
  • Researchers are expected to acknowledge the use of "Mirth Connect for Research" in publications and presentations resulting from the project. 
  • Researchers are encouraged to consider sharing anonymized datasets (where ethically and legally permissible and beneficial) or research methodologies with the broader research community. 
  • Exclusions: 
  • Research intended solely for internal use with no plan for public dissemination.
  • Research findings kept proprietary. 
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