Let our experts manage credentialing and fee schedules

We specialize in credentialing and fee schedule review for independent physician practices. NextGen Office’s team of experts will perform time-consuming credentialing tasks. We’ll monitor and maintain licenses and time-sensitive credentials. We also help negotiate fee schedules in payer contracts.

Experience the benefits of credentialing and fee schedule review services
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Obtain expert support
We’ll do the heavy lifting to help you obtain, monitor, and maintain provider credentials. We’ll also negotiate fee schedules to help you obtain maximum reimbursement. We have both staff and technology to speed up the process.
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Diversify your payer mix
Diversifying your payer mix will increase your practice’s market share. It will help ensure that you remain competitive and solvent in the complex healthcare economy. Along with provider credentialing, we’ll help you negotiate reimbursement rates.
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Maximize reimbursement
Use fee schedule review services when you request new contracts from payers and re-negotiate those you already have. Our experts will position your practice to receive maximum reimbursement rates within your local market.
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Free staff from tedious tasks
Instead of requiring your staff to spend hours on paperwork and phone calls as part of credentialing, let us complete and submit every form and application for you. Our team will update you weekly.
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Confirm provider credentials
Our source verification team will perform a comprehensive background check to confirm the credentials of physicians and other healthcare providers you hire. We can also help your practice obtain or renew accreditation.
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Accurate Medicare enrollment
Errors in Medicare enrollment can cost your practice thousands of dollars. Our team of experts understands Medicare enrollment rules. We support all areas of Medicare enrollment and manage the entire process.

See how we stack up versus our competitors


Advantages of using experts from NextGen Office

A doctor accessing patient data on a tablet via the cloud
Save on resources
In-house credentialing requires spending hours on paperwork and phone calls—and possibly hiring more staff. Outsourcing these services saves time, money, and helps to ensure healthcare providers can deliver care and get paid for it.
A doctor communicating with a patient
Adapt to change
Our credentialing services are particularly useful if you want to open new office locations or be better prepared for physician turnover. We can help speed up the process, allowing providers to start delivering care and get paid for it sooner.
Three doctors discussing forms as they upload them on a laptop
Streamline operations
Outsourcing credentialing services helps streamline operations. By leaving the complicated process of credentialing to experts, you can ensure that everything is done correctly, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and costly, time-consuming delays.
A doctor holding a tablet confident that her patient data is encrypted and safe
Reduce denials
Our experts have intimate knowledge of how insurance companies operate. They can manage the most challenging credentialing issues. Another benefit of our services: We can help your practice reduce claim denials that can result from errors in credentialing.
A support technician smiling while providing a medical team assistance
Access to expertise
NextGen Office provides access to experts with specialized knowledge and experience in credentialing for a wide range of healthcare provider types and medical specialties. This helps ensures that credentialing is done correctly, quickly, and efficiently.
Make the switch to NextGen Healthcare